Jun 19, 2018

How To Offload WordPress Files To DigitalOcean Spaces With Media Library Folders Pro

Like Amazon S3, DigitalOcean Spaces is simple, affordable object storage. By connecting your WordPress site to DigitalOcean Spaces, you’re able to store all of your media files at a DigitalOcean Space. You can then continue to store and serve files from your own server. Or, you can remove files from your own server and serve them directly from Spaces (or a CDN that you connect to Spaces). Beyond bulk offloading

Jun 19, 2018

MaxGalleria And Slick Slider WordPress Troubleshooting Tips

In this post, we’ll cover some common issues that users experience with the core MaxGalleria plugin and/or the Slick Slider WordPress add-on. The issues that we will cover are: MaxGalleria How To Install The Plugin Unable To Add YouTube Video Problems With Gallery Permalinks Slick Slider WordPress How To Configure Slick Slider WordPress Slick Slider WordPress Fatal Error Upon Activation Issues With Auto Updates Or License Keys How To Use

May 04, 2018

Repair Errors: MaxGalleria Every Addon

These instructions are to help you get quickly up and running with your MaxGalleria plugins. Note that the following plugins are add-on plugins and require that the free MaxGalleria plugin is installed and activated before installing any of the add-ons: Slick Slider Image Carousel Image Slider Albums Masonry Image Showcase Video Showcase Facebook Vimeo MP4 IG Flickr Activating any of these plugins without MaxGalleria activate will cause an error. Activation