Mar 10, 2020

MLFP Version 5.1.9 – Upgrade Available!

Media Library Folders Pro version 5.1.9 eliminates two recent issues: With this new release, we’ve fixed an issue with WordPress where duplicate images are added when syncing because large images are scaled and renamed. We’ve also added a notice for detecting when Javascript has been disabled in the browser. To get started, update to Media Library Folders Pro version 5.1.9. Or, if you haven’t upgraded to Media Library Folders Pro yet, grab your license and enjoy

Dec 04, 2019

Media Library Folders Pro S3 New Features: S3 Notifications & Cloud Synchronization

With its initial release, the Media Library Folders Pro S3 + Spaces add-on for Media Library Folders Pro lets you upload files to your WordPress Media Library and automatically offload them to an Amazon S3 bucket. Now, with the latest release, you can also go in the other direction with brand new features that add support for S3 notifications and cloud synchronization. That is, you can upload files directly to

Jun 07, 2019

Media Library Folders Pro 5.0.2 Lets You Restrict Folder Access by User Role

By default, granting access to your WordPress Media Library is an all-or-nothing affair. You can give people access to every single folder or no Media Library access at all…but nothing in between. And as you may have already encountered, that’s just not accurate enough when you’re dealing with sensitive or otherwise private files. Media Library Folders Pro version 5.0.2 eliminates that all-or-nothing approach. With this release, you’ll be able to

Aug 07, 2018

Media Library Folders Pro Actions & Filters: 3 Examples To Get You Started

Media Library Folders Pro Actions & Filters: 3 Examples To Get You Started Media Library Folders Pro is designed to be intuitive for both non-developers and developers alike. Through the beginner-friendly interface, you can create folders, move files around, rename files, and plenty more. But we also recognize that you might want to go further and customize Media Library Folders Pro’s functionality to your own site’s unique needs. To make

Jun 19, 2018

How To Offload WordPress Files To DigitalOcean Spaces With Media Library Folders Pro

Like Amazon S3, DigitalOcean Spaces is simple, affordable object storage. By connecting your WordPress site to DigitalOcean Spaces, you’re able to store all of your media files at a DigitalOcean Space. You can then continue to store and serve files from your own server. Or, you can remove files from your own server and serve them directly from Spaces (or a CDN that you connect to Spaces). Beyond bulk offloading

Jun 19, 2018

MaxGalleria And Slick Slider WordPress Troubleshooting Tips

In this post, we’ll cover some common issues that users experience with the core MaxGalleria plugin and/or the Slick Slider WordPress add-on. The issues that we will cover are: MaxGalleria How To Install The Plugin Unable To Add YouTube Video Problems With Gallery Permalinks Slick Slider WordPress How To Configure Slick Slider WordPress Slick Slider WordPress Fatal Error Upon Activation Issues With Auto Updates Or License Keys How To Use