Oct 05, 2022

Media Library Folders Pro V8

Media Library Folders, Media Library Folders Pro and S3 Version 8 is Out! A New Version with an Improved User Interface Earlier this year Alan and I worked with Dave Donaldson, the creative for MaxGalleria and MaxButtons, to redesign the user interface for Media Library Folders and Media Library Folders Pro. One of the challenges we had was that some of the newer (and often more useful) capabilities of our plugins where hidden away or hard to access.  So

Jun 11, 2021

Media Library Folders Pro 7.0.0 now with Media Library Maintenance!

Time for a Spring Clean? Great News! We’ve just released Media Library Folders Pro 7.0.0 and it comes with some amazing new features, like the Media Library Maintenance & Bulk File Importer. Clean up your Media Library with Media Library Maintenance Is your media library cluttered? Does it have a bunch of uncatalogued files that affect your site performance? That’s now a thing of the past! With Media Library Maintenance you can now

Apr 07, 2021

Media Library Folders Pro 6.1.3

Introducing Frontend Uploading in Media Library Folders Pro 6.1.3 Our latest release of Media Library Folders Pro includes the often-requested feature for frontend uploading! A short code allowing your signed in users to upload files to specified folders without needing to grant them access to your dashboard or media library. The shortcode; ‘mlfp-image-file-upload’ can use three parameters: folder_id This is a required parameter. To find your folder ID, go to the Media Library Folders Pro in your WordPress dashboard