WordPress 6.1 and MaxGalleria Plugin Updates
On November 1, WordPress 6.1 was released. In anticipation of the new release, we have been testing and refining our plugins to work in harmony with the latest update.
Last week new versions of WP Paginate and WP Paginate Pro were released. While there were no changes for WP Paginate 2.2.0, WP Paginate Pro 2.1.9 had some security enhancements and an update to its readme.txt file.
This week we released new versions of MaxGalleria, MaxGalleria Pro and Media Library Folders Pro which include the following changes:
- A fix for validating breakpoints when using the MaxGalleria Slick Slider plugin
- A fix for trim warnings that were generated when displaying some gallery images
- A fix for instances where the esc_url_raw function was used to escape arrays rather than strings
Media Library Folders Pro 8.0.2
- A fix to prevent a conflict with the WooCommerce Advanced Bulk Edit plugin
- A fix to solve a Javascript error when selecting to filter or search files on the main plugin page
- A fix in the toolbar CSS for smaller screens
As always, we are continually improving our plugins and keeping up with the improvements in WordPress, so you can update confidently, directly through your WordPress Dashboard under plugins.