May 21, 2014

Widget Addons Now in MaxGalleria Core and Albums Addon

It’s been 3 weeks since we launched MaxGalleria 2.0 as the first WordPress gallery platform, and we’ve had some really great feedback with customers (and potential customers), especially around the Gallery Widgets and Album Widgets addons. In particular, most people weren’t happy that these were separate addons, so we’ve made some changes based on that feedback.

A Little Background

Well before we decided to turn MaxGalleria into a gallery platform, widgets was one of the top two most requested features people asked about (the other being albums). As time went on and the platform vision became a reality, we wanted to test the theory that if people really wanted widgets, they might be willing to pay for them, so we decided at launch to have gallery and album widgets as separate addons.

That quickly generated angst among some people because it looked like we were trying to nickel-and-dime them for something they strongly felt should be included as part of the core plugin. Of course, that was never our intent and as we had dialogue about this we realized they were right.

Going Forward

So as of last week, we got rid of the Gallery Widgets and Album Widgets addons and moved their functionality into the MaxGalleria core plugin and the Albums addon, respectively. Gallery widgets are now included for free in the base plugin and album widgets come along for the ride when you purchase the Albums addon. Done and done.

And for any customer that purchased either of those widget addons, we’ve already issued full refunds. Enjoy.