Slick Infinite Scrolling And MLPP 3.1.7 Updates


Slick Infinite Scrolling

We always work to keep our Slick Addon as current as possible.  A couple of you had asked for the ability to do infinite scrolling. Yesterday we released Slick Slider version 1.6.1 which includes the ability to deliver infinite scrolling.  We have left detailed setup instructions at the bottom of the options page. Give it a try and if you have any troubles send us an email.

Media Library Plus Pro

If thing have seemed a bit quiet on the MLPP front is it because we took the time to completely rewrite the initialization scripts for MLPP.  We did this because we found a much superior method of creating the folder tree.  This code has been tested and we released it last week.  We highly recommend that you move to MLPP version 3.1.7.  If you have any troubles in migrating please email us.

MP4 Media File Addon

About a month ago a customer came to us an asked for a MP4 media file addon.  We did what we normally do when a feature is many months away and they need it now.  We quoted them a price which was paid by purchasing licenses and built it right away.  We have not had time to put the MP4 addon up on the site but if you need it and have an Every Addon license just email us.

Stealth Layout Addon in Progress

We are working the next two weeks on a completely new addon.  It is something that has been on our list for quite some time.  We think it is super cool.  Fingers crossed for soon

Hope your holidays are terrific,

Bob, Alan and the rest of the Max Foundry Team
MaxButtons Pro | MaxGalleria | Media Library Pro Plus

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