Media Library Pro Review – Great for organization and better media!

Media Library Plus Pro

From time to time we like to share with you reviews of Media Library Pro as they are earned by us.  We mostly do this on Twitter but sometimes we also like to post them here when people express things in ways we appreciate.

Here’s a review we received today from a Media Library Plus user we think is insightful:

“WordPress’s default media folders didn’t work for us on a project with strict requirements on organizing their uploaded files. We had trouble finding a low-impact solution that fulfilled all requirements.

Media Library Plus solved all our issues, and we’ve been using it on a major site with 11 custom post types, hundreds of media files, and tons of other plugins/customizations — zero issues and exactly what we need!

MLP performs beautifully and provides great media management features and functionality! To make matters even better support is extremely fast and responsive to inquiries. Great stuff!”

We regularly see people using Media Library Pro on very large systems implementations and we are glad to hear when they love it as much as this.



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