Media Library Pro Plus WooCommerce Product Images Support

Media Library Plus Pro

Media Library Pro Plus Support For
WooCommerce Product and Product Gallery Images

So this was not on the roadmap but one of our awesome customers called and said they’d buy a bunch of stuff if we coded it.  So with yesterday’s release of version 3.2.5 MLPP supports WooCommerce Product Gallery Images. If you have entered your license in your plugin admin just click to update or go to your Account page.

We have done a complete integration where MLPP detects WooCommerce is running and enables a couple additional buttons that let you insert as Product Images or into a Product Gallery.

To add a product image, click on the desired image and allow a second for its data to load and then click the Select as Product Image button. The image will be assigned as the product image and it will not be necessary to update the product page. For adding images to the product gallery, use the checkboxes to select one or multiple product images from the current folder and then click the Insert into Product Gallery button. Once you added your images, you will need to click the product page Update button to save you product gallery images selections.
Activate Your MLPP License!

We highly recommend activating your license for MLPP.

MLPP is a newer plugin and is being updated frequently.  Be smart and activate your license so that you always know about these updates in your plugin admin.  Log into your Account, copy the MLPP license code.  Go to MLPP > Settings and paste the license.  Click Activate License and you’re done!

Bob, Alan and the rest of the Max Foundry Team

MaxButtons Pro | MaxGalleria | Media Library Pro Plus

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