We have changed the initial setup process. Before if you had broken URLs, usually from having moved your site, MLPP would hang with an infinite loading symbol. Not really the best user experience. With a lot of older sites out there we think it happened a lot.
Our new process first scans your URLs and then checks for broken ones when you first install MLP/P. You will now see the following message at installation if you have broken links:
“In preparing to set up Media Library Plus Pro we noticed you have some URLs that look broken to us. We would like to make a back up of these URLs and then fix them. You can restore them under “Restore backup URLs” under settings anytime afterwards. Here is the list of URLs:”
Then if you approve we make the back up and fix them. This actually fixes a common problem for many users with images when moving sites.
MLPP is a newer plugin and is being updated frequently. Be smart and activate your license so that you always know about these updates in your plugin admin. Log into your Account, copy the MLPP license code. Go to MLPP > Settings and paste the license. Click Activate License and you’re done!
We have started in on building image cropping into MaxGalleria. Stay tuned. We’ll also have another small MLPP release in the next week or so.
Bob, Alan and the rest of the Max Foundry Team