This release completes our redesign of the MaxGalleria layout options but more importantly it massively expands the configuration and design options of MaxGalleria. You can now really dial in the look and feel of your galleries with detailed options on borders, arrows, and thumbnails.
MaxGalleria Version 5 also comes with six new beautiful preset galleries. The details of these new capabilities, preset galleries and layout options are shown on the Features page on our new site.
All of the prior skins are still available in your existing galleries. When you make new galleries you will only be offered the new presets but it is pretty straight forward to replicate any of the prior skins with the new options. Several of our new presets are replacements for the older skins but look a lot better.
With the introduction of MaxGalleria Version 5 we are pleased to announce the return of our Addon updating system. Get the license code for your Addon from your Account page and place it in the settings section for that Addon. Enter and save your license code at the bottom of that Addon’s settings page. You will be notified in your plugin admin section when new Addon versions are available. You only need to install your license code once as renewals use the same license code!
If you are using our Slick Slider for WordPress Addon you are in for a treat. We now support the complete set of SlickJS functions including with this release Multi Items. We have also brought similar powerful configuration and preset options to our Slick Addon.
Media Library Plus Pro
Using MLP with MaxGalleria is one the easiest ways to organize your media in WordPress Media Library especially for galleries. We have had an overwhelmingly positive response to MLP.
Today we are announcing Media Library Plus Pro which includes the ability to add MLP content to page and posts. In addition to our MaxGalleria integration MLPP also includes integrations for NextGEN Galleries, The WordPress Gallery and Jetpack Gallery Templates. We have also included a file name view mode to more quickly find images in very large libraries. MLPP is $19 and is also included in our Every Addon offering.