MaxGalleria – Media Library Plus Version 4.22 Update

MaxGalleria – Media Library Plus Updates

This past week we released MaxGalleria 4.22.  This update makes a small change in the workflow that we think has  big improvement in your productivity.  We recommend that you upgrade to MaxGalleria 4.22 which will also update MLP.

MaxGalleria Workflow Change

Now when you save your settings as you are building a beautiful gallery you are returned to the same tab you were using.  Before MaxGalleria would return you to the Images tab which is the first tab.  Now if you are working in the Options tab you are returned to the same tab.

Media Library Plus Upgrade

Version 4.21 of MaxGalleria contains a significant change to MLP’s folder sync function.

Before when you were trying to delete a folder and system occasionally would return an error saying that the folder is not empty.  Using our new sync button MLP will try to add any files in the folder that are on the server to the database. Then you can determine if the files needs to be deleted or moved.  Before this update a folder sometimes could not be removed because a file that was thought to have been deleted or moved earlier was still there.

The sync function is also handy if you want to upload a bunch of files to the server, quickly add them to the media library and then add them to a gallery. Once they are on the server where MLP can find they can be added to a gallery quickly.

Sync is a new button on the MLP toolbar.  You can use it any time to sync or add files already on the server (in the current folder). Note the function is not recursive; it does not add folders within a folder.

What’s Coming

Over the next couple months we will be adding some new functionality to the core of MaxGalleria related to Borders, Colors, Thumbnails, and Arrow styles.  These enhancements will enable us to deliver more default skins and let you really configure the look of your galleries more comprehensively. There will also be some more workflow changes that we think will make a good experience even better.

As always if you have any questions please just reply to this email.

Looking forward to a very exciting 2016 with MaxGalleria and you.

The MaxGalleria Team


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