Today we’re very pleased to announce the release of our Masonry Add-On for creating beautiful Pinterest-like image galleries. The Masonry Add-Ons gives you easy configuration through extensive options while at the same time delivering the ultimate in customization through deep developer hooks. MaxGalleria and it’s complementary Add-Ons for Accessing images and video plus the most desired layouts are all designed with this high level of usability in mind.
Powered by the Wookmark Javascript Library the Masonry Add-On plays nicely with the Magnific Popup lightbox features included in the MaxGalleria core. With a plethora of options the Masonry Add-On allows a wide range of gallery layouts and features. A complete list of features along with the list of developer hooks can be found on the Masonry Add-On Product Page.
The responsive WordPress Gallery Platiform, MaxGalleria is freely downloadable from the WordPress repository. MaxGalleria has Add-Ons for Albums, Facebook, Image Showcase, Carousel and Slider, Slick for WordPress, Instagram, Video Showcase, Vimeo and now Masonry.