We now have Every Addon package pricing for MaxGalleria. Instead of sorting through exactly which Addons you might need you can just have them all. Pricing is $49 for 1 site, $99 for 3 sites, and $149 for 5 sites and includes all updates and new Addons for 1 year.
A year ago Google announced YouTube API Version 3. This month they showed they really mean it. So MaxGalleria was updated to support the new API Key version 3. YouTube videos you currently have in your MaxGalleria galleries work just as they did before. YouTube now requires you to get a API Version 3 to post new ones. We’ve written a post to show you how to get a YouTube Version 3 API Key in case you need a bit of help. Of course you can always email us in the support forums in you need a hand.
We’ve also snuck in a fix for those of you using the Gantry theme. The Gantry folks were kind enough to send over a copy for us to use for testing.