MaxGalleria 1.6.1 Update

We’ve updated again! That’s right, version 1.6.1 is out and ready for use. We’ve got a host of fixes that you guys have noted in the forums as well as a big update to how you can layout your gallery. In 1.6.1 we’ve introduced List, Row, Grid views. Watch the video below for a quick overview of how the new layouts work when editing.

List, Rows and Grid

With the update you now have a few different options when editing and re-ordering your galleries. List view shows all the information about your image as it always has in the past. Rows shows the thumbnail, title and allows re-ordering vertically like List View. Grid view takes out all the extras and leaves just the thumbnails. Move them freely around and adjust the order of your gallery. The order does goes horizontally much like your gallery will display on the page so keep that in mind as you’re rearranging.

Lightbox Shift

A few people mentioned seeing this pop up so we took a look and after a helpful tip from user “Jo” for figuring out the box-sizing issue. If you never noticed a shift before, then carry on.

Caption Wrapping

Another update is to captions. Previously if there were no line breaks, the text would not wrap, forcing it into the next thumbnail. That’s no good so we fixed that as well. Thanks again to Jo for bringing that to our attention.

The new version should be ready for you in your WordPress dashboard, but if not you can head to your Account page and download the latest.

All above updates were also made to MaxGalleria Lite so if you’re not a user of the full version of MaxGalleria, you can still enjoy the updates.

As always, let us know if you’ve got any questions or comments. Post comments below and head to the forums to get support.

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