We just released version 1.3 of MaxGalleria, which includes one important fix and some additional options for the WordPress Image Showcase template.
Fix for Missing Image Guid
Earlier today it was brought to our attention that thumbnails in the admin for image galleries weren’t showing up. In debugging the issue we found that this was happening only when adding existing images to the gallery from the WordPress media library; the thumbnails for images added from your computer were displaying as expected.
Turns out we weren’t setting the guid on the image attachment during the “add to gallery” process. The image guid is now explicitly set on the attachment and all is good again.
New Click Options for Image Showcase Template
Also in this update are new click options for the Image Showcase template, shown here:

Now you can make the large showcase image clickable, and determine what happens when the click happens. It can open the attachment page for the image, the link as defined in the gallery, or the original image file itself. And of course you can choose to open the link in a new window.