Big News and v1.5.4 Update

We updated MaxGalleria this weekend to v1.5.4 which had a host of fixes that we’d been working on for a while. Below is a quick list of the updates.

– Made the “Number of Media” column to be sortable in the gallery list page.
– Server-side template update.
– Added a couple missing _e() functions when opening a thickbox for images.
– Updated Image Tiles, Image Showcase, Video Tiles, and Video Showcase templates to hide thumbnail captions at 600px device width and lower.
– Fixed issue with HTML captions in the Image Tiles and Image Showcase templates.
– Added “Custom” options section for Image Tiles, Image Showcase, Video Tiles, and Video Showcase templates.
– Corrected the “stacking” issue that was becoming common in FireFox.

To grab the latest version for your site just head to your WordPress dashboard and look for the update. If it hasn’t refreshed and shown up in there yet, then head to your Account page here on and download there. If something looks a bit funky, be sure to de-activate and re-activate your plugin.

Big News

This weekend we also released MaxGalleria Lite on the WordPress plugin repository. Lite is a toned down version of the larger plugin but still contains the Image Tiles template, skins and most importantly the NextGEN Importer. While it is a bit of a whittled down version, MaxGalleria Lite is a great way to see how quick and easy MaxGalleria is when creating new galleries in WordPress. Spread the word and give MaxGalleria Lite a shot!

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